Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Digital Technologies

In class we were set the individual task of listing all the individual online technologies that we used in our A2 coursework. The three different categories consisted of Hardware, software and online technology. The most important piece of hardware had to be the Blackmagic URSA Mini 4K. Without that piece of digital technology our coursework wouldn't exist. The Blackmagic helped us portray our story to the audience and when this was used with the most important software.
Adobe Premier which gave me control over the order of the clips and just how I wanted the story to be portrayed. This high tech software allows highly accurate editing so this gave me the opportunity to match cuts and transitions to the beat of the music. When it came to using online technology Youtube, Pinterest and even the programme I'm typing into right now thats helping me document the process, were all very essential. Pinterest inspired creativity in our group and sparked ideas for the mental asylum theme. Youtube enabled us to become a prosumer and distribute our creation over the internet for the world to see. Youtube gave us the statistics of who and where people were watching the video and we could change our product depending on the different outcomes and numbers. The diagram below features some more examples of Hardware, software and online tech we used. These programmes overall have helped bring the three tasks together into one product that matches with each other.

Conventions are a widely known of doing something associated with form and style in a piece of content.  Conventions can be used and supported.  They can be challenged to deliberately subvert to common conventions.  In evaluation of the questions set I feel that I have challenged the conventions of media products in my own campaign.  This use of these conventions is evident in the construction of my own products, for example focusing on the performer as the main target. This brings the audience into the video and is almost like the performer is singing to them. this is supported by my own research into multiple mainstream artists such as Kasabian and Flume where this is commonly used in their campaigns. At the same time I have sought to develop and been able to challenge conventions, for example, We hung the main actor in the video upside down. This gave it an unusual theme and got the audience asking questions as to why he was upside down. The reason why I feel that I've achieved this is so I can differentiate my product in this huge competitive music industry market and I have attempted to challenge audience expectations whilst they watch my music video. I wanted to bring something new to the media forms.  Media Conventions are ultimately relied upon for creating and sending the right message to the intended audience, diverting from these expectations helps sell the star image that I wanted to promote. Audiences produce meaning from the interaction of the conventional material in a text, and their understanding of conventions

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