When we arrived at the studio at 8:50 we had the costume, props and harvey was getting his makeup done. Whilst this was happening I began explaining the specific shots I wanted to Luke. Before we could actually start to shoot we needed to be briefed by Joe on the safety of Harvey and how the rig works. Gabby and I had the task of lifting and landing harvey on the crash mat before and after each take. Once Harvey was strapped in Gabby and I guided him off the ground as Joe hoisted him up with the rope. Luke then briefed us on how to use the new camera set the white balance up on it as things appeared green at first. My first look at the set I was slightly suprised at the size of it, I expected there to be higher and wider cell walls seeing as two groups where using it. However after realising it was going to be a two wall set I came to realise that the foam must have cost too much and they couldn't go over budget. We decided we would have to make use of this set and once Harvey was hung it didnt look too bad and worked very well. The overall look on the moniter suited my expectations and I was pleased. We went ahead with deciding on the roles we would each take. Angelina agreed on becoming the clacker and was in charge of starting and stopping the playback and to hold the board infront of the camera inorder to make it easier to link up the lipsync in post. Gabby said that she would be happy sharing the role of director with me and this worked great throughout the day. I decided on being the cameraman on the shoot as I do photography I feel I have a grip with composition and the shots I would like to achieve. I did learn tips and tricks from Luke throughout the day on the differences between photography shots and Filming shots and added this too my overall knowledge however by the end of the day I was confident with working with the camera and with the crane. I feel as if I did well achieving some of the shots on the day and I quickly picked up how to use the porta-jib. I think I did particuarlly well in getting the shots we needed in that certain part and after suggesting a lense change.

it soon made the shoot look far nicer. Towards the end of shooting harvey (The hanging man) we decided to do a run through without any lip sync and purely him just using body movements in time with the music. Half way through the shoot of the hanging man we began to realise that to really sell the fact that he was being upside down to the audience we needed someone or something on the ground to give a perspective. We didn't have anyone or anything planned to be shot so to solve this I ran upstairs to our class to my class and asked if a student would like to perform. After Vogue a friend of mine agreed to volounteer as an actor we rushed her downstairs whilst the rest of the crew set up the lighting for the next shot and got the costume for her to wear. Laura our makeup artist then did subtle makeup on her similar to the hanging man to sell the mental patient look. I definatley am pleased we took this step because without these takes we did with Vouge the effect wouldn't have sold itself as much and I believe my team solved the issue in a great and productive way. Towards the end of the song he started to seem distressed we asked if he would like to be taken down from the rig and he said yes so we went ahead and layed him down on the mattress. He had been up in total for about an hour which is makes the situation completley understandable shortly after he drunk water we strapped him back in and he went ahead lip syncing for the final take. Most of our shoot day was successful and the content we had planned in pre production matched up with the real thing and we had something strong to work on. I believe because we had a warm up with the hanging set up with Harvey the day before the shoot this saved time on the day. The hanging element is definatley the most promising as this will stand out from the crowd as something that has never been done before. I wish we hadn't of fallen behind schedule on the hanging man because we missed out on our third element featuring the DJ in some ways Its a good thing that we missed the DJ scene as we had longer time to spend with the hanging rig which most of our budget had gone on. Im sure we can arrange a pick up soon anyway to broaden our story this will resolve this issue. Overall I believe our managment with the actors was great, As it is Harvey already can play the role of a psychiatric patient brilliantly because of his A2 theatrical piece had the same style of character in some ways this video is a sequal to the production. His facial expressions and movements came out very strong on the monitor and I am really looking foward to editing the clips in post. Mike and Fran the doctor and patient however was slightly more difficult as neither of them do theatre. Therefore the terminology I was using to achieve what I wanted they didnt understand in the same way as I communicated with Harvey. Fran the doctor also tended to laugh alot while performing. To solve this we used angles that wouldnt reveal her face when she was laughing however still kept a strong composition. Overall though I believe we managed to direct the talent. I definatley enjoyed controlling the porta-jib the most as it is something I have never used before. I have always envied crew that control these huge pieces of equipment at festivals and concerts as it just looks so fun having the power to move a camera round on the end of a pole. Although this piece of equipment wasn't up to the same standards I still had the same feeling having a black magic attached to the end of the jib it gave me the control I needed to achieve my intended shots.

I am definitely looking forward to editing and seeing these clips in the flesh. This shoot day has given me a clear view into what I enjoy doing whilst shooting and what I don't. Being the porta-jib controller is another thing I would have loved to do however I didnt have the proper training to do so.
During the middle of the shoot we had
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