What is an animatic storyboard?
An animatic is an animated storyboard which features a set of boards that are copied into an editing program and cut together to match the correct timing of the project. In our animatic it features the song we have chosen for our music video in time with the cuts of the different shots.
How useful has this been to your music video concept?
Overall the animatic has given us a clear understanding on how we will shoot the video on the day and capture all the shots that are needed in order to create our music video in post production.
What have you indentified works for your music video and why?
The whole hanging man plot and mental asylum as a location works well as it has a very creepy mise en scene that should intice the audience and keep them on the edge of their seats as overall its not going to be a comfy music video.
Do you have enough shots? If not what do you need to consider etc?
We have a vast range of shots that we will need to capture on the shoot day most of them are mapped out in the animatic. However we do and will include some extra shots that will come to mind on the day because afterall all the best shots are accidental and not planned
What needs to change or develop to your music video idea and why?
We still need to look more into audience feedback and research the types of plots the viewers will enjoy when we publish our video. We need to implement these certain things during the production.
What are you going to do?
We will begin looking further into audience feedback on our whole plot and idea and add this in. I will continue researching different shots and the effects these will have on the audience. Therefore the shots I choose need to be scary.
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