The music video itself will be introduced with an Establishing Aerial drone shot dropping down onto a canopy of trees preferably a woods based around the school. This would gain you extra time on actually filming as wouldn't have to bring the equipment very far after all time is money.

Following the aerial establishing shot it will soon feature shots of a mix of male and female teenagers wearing tribal feathered head bands and uniform with clearly displayed toy bow and arrows shooting each other running through the woods. A man would then be walking through the crossfire not paying any attention to the bow and arrow fight almost like he is in another world. This will create a mystical world and as it cuts between the tribal characters and the man vocalizing by the river until the song finishes. I believe that if the character ignores what goes around him the song will have more of a meaning and represent him as being in his own world.

Following the aerial establishing shot it will soon feature shots of a mix of male and female teenagers wearing tribal feathered head bands and uniform with clearly displayed toy bow and arrows shooting each other running through the woods. A man would then be walking through the crossfire not paying any attention to the bow and arrow fight almost like he is in another world. This will create a mystical world and as it cuts between the tribal characters and the man vocalizing by the river until the song finishes. I believe that if the character ignores what goes around him the song will have more of a meaning and represent him as being in his own world.
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